Jul 19, 2011

To train or not to train

A few months ago, I started a new job, working for a big organisation. It's great - I get challenged, I get good colleagues, I get free alcohol, and I get paid. But I also get everybody's bugs. And I get stress.

In the past few months, I've had more minor colds than I had in the previous year. And I've probably cried from sheer exhaustion more times too.

It's hard to juggle training, work, health, and relationships. I'm learning that I only have so much intensity to give...so I'm also having to learn to make choices about what I give it to.

What do you do on those days when you can feel yourself coming down with something, or you're so tired that your eyes actually hurt? To train, or not to train?

Sometimes, sweating it all out in a bad-ass WOD is the best thing for me. But sometimes it's not. I'm still trying to figure out how to recognise which option is the best course of action. And I'm still trying to figure out how to fight the guilt if I choose the latter.

Cooking good food might just be the answer. I certainly think Bear hopes it is!

Roast duck breasts with blueberry balsamic sauce

2 duck breasts
Duck fat

Scour the skin/fat layer of the duck breasts (almost to the flesh). Insert 5-6 cloves (per breast) into the cuts.

Melt duck fat in a roasting dish (enough to almost cover the breasts). Add breasts and roast for approximately 1 hour at 150 degrees C.

Remove duck from oven and drain fat. Spoon some of the blueberry balsamic sauce (recipe below) over the duck breasts and return to a hot oven (200-220 degrees C) until crispy.

For the sauce
1C chicken stock (use a good, gluten-free liquid stock)
1/2C white wine
1/4C balsamic vinegar
1 tsp honey (I think...I can't read my writing...it might say 1 dsp!)
1 tsp ground cloves (I used a mortar & pestle to ground whole cloves)
A touch of cinnamon
1C blueberries (fresh or frozen)

Combine all ingredients except blueberries in a saucepan & bring to the boil, stirring often. Add blueberries and bring back to the boil. Simmer for 20-30 minutes, stirring regularly. Season to taste.

To serve
Serve each duck breast on cauliflower mash, topped with additional sauce.

On the side, I served brussel sprouts - halved, placed on a baking tray, topped with coconut oil and salt, and baked until just starting to brown (about 15 minutes at 200 degrees C).

The fruity flavour of the berries and the warmth of the cloves matched particularly well with a good montepulciano!

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